Chapter 5
On board Audio
We recommend that you have Microsoft Windows NT intalled,
and remove any exsisting sound drivers from your current
system, before you install this PCI sound device driver.
1. Click “Start” , move the highlight bar to “Setting”, and select
“Control Panel”.
2. Double-click “Multimedia.”
3. Select “Devices”, and press “Add”
4. Select “Unlisted or Updated Driver” in List of Drivers.”
5. Specify the drive path where NT drivers are in
(such as D:\NT40\DRV).
6. Select “C-Media CM8738,” and press “OK”.
7. Select proper I/O value.
8. Press “OK.”
9. Restart the system when being asked.
10. Now, you have already installed the PCI Audio Adapter under
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 successfully. If you want to install
the Windows applications, continue the following steps.
11. Click “Start”
12. Select “Run”
13. Key in the drive path where the Windows NT application
installation program is, for example:
14. Click “OK” to start the installation procedure, and follow the
on-screen instructions to complete the installation. When all of
the application software has been installed, shut down the
Windows NT system, then reboot your system.
Windows NT4.0 Installation