Chapter 4
BIOS Setup
RQ3/4/5/7/9/10/11/12/14/15 assigned to
[PCI/Device (Default Value), Reserved]
Resources Controlled By
The Award Plug and Play BIOS has the capacity to automatically
configure all of the boot and Plug and Play compatible devices.
However, this capability means absolutely nothing unless you are
using a Plug and Play operating system such as Windows98/95/
NT. If you set this field to “manual” choose specific resources by
going into each of the sub menu that follows this field (a sub
menu is preceded by a “Ø”).
[Manual: Resources controlled by the user.]
[Auto(ESCD) (Default Value): Resources controlled by BIOS
IRQ Resources
When resources are controlled manually, assign each system
interrupt a type, depending on the type of device using the
PCI / VGA Palette Snoop
This field controls the ability of a primary PCI graphics controller
to share a common palette with an ISA/VESA video or MPEG
[Enabled:PCI VGA co-works with ISA MPEG card.]
[Disabled (Default Value): All cases except above.]
PCI IRQ Actived By
This sets the method by which the PCI bus recognizes that an
IRQ service is being requested by a device. Under all circum-
stances, you should retain the default configuration unless
advised otherwise by your system manufacturer.
[Level (Default Value),Edge]