Thank you for purchasing this
DP6NS SCSI Motherboard
. This operation
manual will guide you to proper configure and install. It has an overview of the
engineer design and feature of this board. Also, this manual provides useful
information for your later upgrade or change the configuration. Keep this for your
future need.
1.1 Featuress
This DP6NS SCSI Motherboa rd is the newest ATX form fa ctor ba sed member to
our SCSI Motherboa rd fa milies. It incorpora ted with Intel new genera tion
82440FX Chipset with I/O Adva nced Progra mma ble Interrupt Controller that
supports for Dua l Intel Pentim Pro Processor a nd Ada ptec new PCI Ultra and
Ultra Wide SCSI using Ada ptec AIC-7880 which is equivlent to AHA-2940UW .
This DP6NS motherboa rd supports minimum of 8 Mbyte a nd mxa imum of 768
Mbyte while Level-2 Ca che / Controller included in Pentium
Pro Processor. In
order to support fully plug a nd pla y I/O, a n 160 pin Ultra I/O chip tha t conta in
floppy , two of the high speed seria l ports, one ECP / EPP printer port, keyboard
a nd rea l time clock is used for users to enjoy the plug a nd pla y function. This
SCSI motherboa rd ha s designed with ATX form fa ctor to improve the ea sy a ccess
memory module, long a dd-on ca rd support a nd some of the new fea tures that
tra ditiona l AT form fa ctor ca n not a chieved.
The onboa rd RAIDBUS ( Redunda nt Arra y of Inexpensive Disks ) slot connector
ca n a llow this SCSI motherboa rd to be ha rdwa re a ssist RAID system by simply
a dd the RAIDBUS 1130 a da pter into the RAIDBUS slot.
The Pentium
Pro Processor wa s used the Dyna mic Execution tha t is combina tion
of improved ba rnch predition, specula tive execution a nd da ta flow a na lysis that
ena bles the Pentium Pro Processor to deliver its superior performa nce from CPU
a rchitecture. Run with fa st/relia ble a nd use one single jumper ca p to a djust the CPU
speed is very importa nt function tha t this SCSI Motherboa rd support. It supports
superpipelined dua l Pentium
Pro Processor for high speed clock from 150MHz
to 200MHz.
The Pentium
Pro Processor is a 64 bit processor with the RISC technology. More
a nd more 32 bit a pplica tions require to optimize their ca pa bilities a nd performa nces.
The Pentium
Pro Processor delivers best va lue for business moving to the 32 bit
Summary of Contents for DP6NS
Page 5: ...5 Socket 8 Socket 8 JP9 1 1 JP11 JP4 1 JP7 JP23 Figure 2 Jumpers location...
Page 8: ...8 U SCSI Socket 8 Socket 8 U SCSI Socket 8 Socket 8 Socket 8 JP1 Socket 8 JP12...
Page 21: ...21 Socket 8 Socket 8 JP9 1 1 JP11 JP4 1 JP7 JP23 Figure 3 Jumpers for DP6NS...
Page 33: ...33 U SCSI Socket 8 Socket 8 USB SIDE USB Riser Card USB...
Page 87: ...87...