3 Installation
3.1 Site / foundation
A mixer should have adequate space for operation, maintenance, and inspection.
Baseplate mounted mixers are normally grouted on a concrete foundation, which has been poured on a
solid footing. The foundation must be able to absorb any vibration and to form a permanent, rigid support
for the mixing unit.
The location and size of the foundation bolts are shown on the outline assembly drawing provided with
the mixer data package.
Foundation bolts commonly used are sleeve type (
Figure 7: Baseplate mounting using sleeve type bolts
) and J type (
Figure 8: Baseplate mounting using J type bolts on page 13
permit movement for final bolt adjustment.
Figure 7: Baseplate mounting using sleeve type bolts
Figure 8: Baseplate mounting using J type bolts
3.2 Level baseplate
Place two sets of wedges or shims on the foundation, one set on each side of every foundation bolt.
The wedges should extend 20 mm (.75 in.) to 40 mm (1.5 in.) above foundation, to allow for ade-
quate grouting. This will provide even support for the baseplate once it is grouted (
or wedges - side view on page 14
Figure 10: Shims or wedges - top view on page 14
Remove water and/or debris from anchor bolt holes/sleeves prior to grouting. If the sleeve type bolts
are being used, fill the sleeves with rags to prevent grout from entering.
Carefully lower baseplate onto foundation bolts.
Level baseplate to within 3.2 mm (.125in.) over length of the baseplate and to within 1.5 mm (.060
in.) over the width of the base by adjusting wedges.
3 Installation
3501 Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Instructions