ILS Strobe Lighting Systems
DOC-3400-MNL Rev23.doc
Copyright 2007-2021 ITL, LLC Page 58
D. Sync Line and RS485 Interface
The ITL-3400 has two means of interfacing to other ITL-3400 boards if used in a
configuration where three power supplies are interconnected. Basic sync and mode
information is communicated from any board to the others via the SYNC connector J2.
This connection should be made with a twisted pair shielded cable.
Connector J3 is used for smart communication only and communicates additional
information between ITL-3400 boards. This interface is only utilized in systems which
connected to additional ITL communication boards.
E. Connectors
Connectors J1 and J4 connect the ITL-3400 circuit board to the IPS-3400’s internal
harness. For specific information, please consult the
IPS-3400 Power Supply Wiring
Connectors J3 and J4 are describe in section
Sync Line and RS485 Interface
Figure 56: ITL-3400 SYNC Connector Location Detail 1
Figure 57: ITL-3400 Connector Location Detail 2