ILS Strobe Lighting Systems
DOC-3400-MNL Rev23.doc
Copyright 2007-2021 ITL, LLC Page 54
B. Switches
i. Toggle Switches
The ITL-3400 has two toggle switches, SW2 and SW3. SW2 is a spring-loaded
momentary switch which allows on-site personnel to momentarily generate either a
sidelight or strobe alarm based on the switch position. This is useful for trouble shooting
purposes and for generating alarms to a remote network operations center (NOC).
SW3 is also for test purposes and allows overriding the PEC function by forcing the circuit
board to operate either in day or night mode based on the switch position. The
corresponding Day Mode or White Night or Red Night LED will blink indicating this special
To assure that this switch is not accidentally left in the wrong position the ITL-3400 will
automatically generate a PEC alarm if SW3 is not in its neutral position.
Figure 49: ITL-3400 Toggle Switches Location Detail