When you experience a tire failure, it creates
a side force that pulls the vehicle in the direction
of the failed tire. Unfortunately, many people
make the situation worse by slamming on the
brakes and swerving into another traffic lane.
You can control the vehicle with smooth, deliber-
ate maneuvers.
DO NOT panic.
DO NOT stomp on the brake. This abruptly
shifts the vehicle’s weight forward, making it
nose-dive and pull toward the blown-out side.
DO NOT jerk your foot off the accelerator.
Just ease back on the accelerator slowly and
gently to continue momentum. The deflated
tire will slow the vehicle.
Try to steer the vehicle as straight as possible
and avoid quick maneuvers. You may need to
counter-steer to compensate for “pull” creat-
ed by the failed tire.
Let the vehicle coast to a stop, gently steering
to a safe stopping place. Don’t worry about
damaging the wheel rim by driving on it. A
wheel replacement is cheaper than damaging
the vehicle or injuring yourself.
Activate your hazard flashers to warn other
motorists, then exit the vehicle carefully.
Set out flares and/or other warning devices.
Check your tires for proper inflation before
each trip and at least once a month with an
accurate tire gauge.
Emergency Road Service
Because of the size and weight of this vehicle
and its tires, and the possible complications in-
volved in tire changing, we strongly advise ob-
taining professional road service to change a flat
tire whenever possible. However, if an emergen-
cy requires you to change the tire yourself, please
exercise extreme caution and read all tire chang-
ing information in the chassis operating guide.
Never get beneath a vehicle that is held up
by a jack only.
When calling a professional towing service,
we recommend that you advise them of your
coach length and approximate front axle weight.
This will allow the towing operator to determine
the proper towing equipment to use. (This infor-
mation is found on the vehicle certification label
located to the left of the steering wheel.)
We recommend that you ask for an underlift
(wheel lift or frame lift) type towing assembly for
safe towing.
Winnebago Industries does not assume re-
sponsibility for damage incurred while towing
this vehicle.
NOTE: Consult the chassis operating guide for
any additional towing instructions or
precautions provided by the chassis
If your coach will not start from the automo-
tive batteries, try using the aux. start switch to di-
vert power from the coach batteries to the starter.
(See Aux. Start Switch in Section 5). If you wish
to try jump starting the engine using another ve-
hicle or booster system, see your chassis owner’s
Do not lift on bumper. Damage will
result to front end body parts.
Stay out from beneath the motor
home while it is suspended by the
towing assembly unless the vehicle is
adequately supported by safety
stands. Do not allow passengers to
occupy a towed vehicle.