User manual iSMA-B-AAC20/M-Bus Network
Version 1.2
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Inter Message Delay: Time between messages sent to the device,;
Manufacturer: Manufacturer description read from device (read only);
Device Type Id: M-Bus Device Type ID read from device (read only);
Read Trigger: Remote force device data read trigger.
8.1 M-Bus IP Device points
The iSMA_Mbus kit does not have the device points components available in the Sedona
Palette for the User
use. The device points are added automatically during the points
discovery process. In the discovery process response message is decoded, and based on
this information the iSMA-B-AAC20 creates corresponding points components. The
iSMA_Mbus kit uses two types of components:
Numeric: for numeric values,
String: for values other than numeric like description, time, etc.
Note: The M-Bus device always responses by a full message, so the number of components
has no influence on the network traffic. To maintain the order the user can delete unused