Menu selections
The following image exhibits the Home page of the test set of the Test Plan Editor:
Figure 6 – Home page
The menu is entered pressing the knob and selecting the item moving the knob.
The Test Plan Editor is an innovative and advanced software module, allowing the operator to define and plan a
sequence of tests. The operator defines the desired sequence of tests and sets the parameters of each test: the Editor
creates a sequence of tests to be performed automatically. The feature is available for the tests of Current, Voltage and
Power transformers.
Test plans can be saved or recalled, like test results. Up to 64 settings can be stored and recalled; setting no. 0 is the
default one, and pops up at power-on. Settings are permanently stored in the memory; new settings can be written to
the same address after confirmation. For normal mode operation it is possible to recall the standard setting, which
cannot be modified.
For instance, in the Home page select the icon “Current Transformers” and press the knob:
Figure 7 – “Current Transformers" icon
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