The following table lists the Power Transformers tests:
Test description
The ratio measurement is performed applying high voltage to the VT primary, and
measuring the VT secondary voltage for each tap. If the STCS option is available, connection
is performed via the option, and the test is completely automatic.
Input parameters are the following:
The nominal primary and secondary voltage, from which the program computes
the nominal ratio
Type of connection (Y or Delta)
The type of Tap changer
The nominal test voltage and frequency
The display shows the following:
The test voltage, primary and secondary
Actual ratio and ratio error
Phase shift and polarity
The test is performed applying low DC current to the PT primary plus Tap Changer and
measuring the voltage drop. The tester measures the resistance peak during the switch and
the resistance after the selection.
Input parameters are the following:
The nominal resistance
The output current (6 A or 400 A)
The test current
The nominal resistance and the resistance limits
It is also possible to compensate the test temperature.
The test set controls the output current during the test and issues the Tap Change
command. The display shows the following:
The test current
The tap number
For the static resistance: the test voltage and resistance, also compensated
For the dynamic resistance: the measured values are the Ripple and the Slope and
the diagrams of the current or of the resistance
During the current discharge, voltage and current are displayed.
The dynamic resistance measurement is performed also without the STCS option. The tap
changer command is manual
Resistance –
The test is performed applying low DC current to the PT primary plus Tap Changer and
measuring the voltage drop. The tester measures the resistance peak during the switch and
the resistance after the selection. Using the STCS option, the connection to the PT is
performed using the option and the test is completely automatic.
Input parameters are the following:
The nominal resistance
The output current (6 A or 400 A)
The test current
The nominal resistance and the resistance limits
It is also possible to compensate the test temperature.
The test set controls the output current during the test and issues the Tap Change
command. The display shows the following:
The test current
The tap number
For the static resistance: the test voltage and resistance, also compensated
For the dynamic resistance: the measured values are the Ripple and the Slope and
the diagrams of the current or of the resistance
During the current discharge, voltage and current are displayed.
The dynamic resistance measurement is performed also without the STCS option. The tap
changer command can be automatic
Table 47 - Power
tests (1/3)
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