File list that is selected in tree-view is
By clicking right mouse button, you can choose
the features for example, Modify information,
Copy, Cut, Paste and Delete.
By double-clicking recording files, you can play
the files with media player. Keyboard
shortcut is provided for example, Copy is
Ctrl+C, Cut is Ctrl + X, Paste is Ctrl+V and
Delete is Delete keyboard button.
file info.(PC)
You can take notes in files. Refer to
File list of a folder selected in USB/FTP is displayed.
After selecting files and click right mouse button, related menu pop
Only is Delete feature provided in USB.
Structure of PC area is displayed.
After selecting a folder and click right mouse
button, related menu pop up where you can
create, rename and delete the folder.
Structure of USB area‘s folder is displayed.
You can convert original recording files ,which are located in USB or
FTP root folder , to wav format files you can listen to and copy the
converted files to your PC. Basically, MIX which means receiver’s
voice plus caller’s voice is converted. However, each of Rx(receiver’s
voice) and Tx(caller’s voice) can be converted separately.
You can save File list retrieved in tree-view of PC area as a excel file.
This program was developed based on Excel 2003. Microsoft
company’s Excel installation is required.
Normal operation is guaranteed from Excel 2002(XP) of Microsoft
company. In the privious verson like Excel 97 or 2000 versoin, you
can read files but you cannot save them.