I P Wi r e l e s s B r o a d b a n d M o d e m U s e r G u i d e
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Completing the Installation
- The software has now been copied to your
PC. The installation will proceed with IPWireless Broadband Modem
detection, configuration, and user registration.
Copying the Modem Driver Files.
The installation will now copy the
necessary modem driver files to your computer, so that your PC will detect
the IPWireless Broadband Modem when you install the computer interface
cable. A number of information boxes will display, indicating the progress of
the modem driver installation. The final information box will prompt you to
connect the computer interface cable to the IPWireless Broadband Modem
and your computer.
Cable Conn ection between th e Modem and th e Comp uter
There are two possible cable connections supported by the IPWireless Broadband
Modem; USB or RS-232 (Serial).