Enter IP address
1. Live View
Accessing iZiggi-HD’s Settings
On iPad
On Mac or PC
Visiting the Settings page will allow you to view Live View using your
browser, connect iZiggi-HD to the Internet, manage connected USB storage
devices, customizing login information, setup password protection, and
change advanced Internet settings. To do so, ensure your device is
connected to iZiggi-HD, then perform the following steps. More details
about settings options can be found on Pages 9 through 12.
Launch IPEVO Whiteboard. Tap the Wireless icon. Select the arrow icon in
the extended menu that appears.
1. Launch your browser and connect to the IP address of iZiggi-HD by
typing it into the address bar. The default for this IP address is
2. Enter the login password, which by default is “admin”.
Enter IP address
1. Live View
Enter IP address
1. Live View