5-10 Troubleshooting
WaveBook User’s Manual -
IO version
(8) Topic: Computers for Data Acquisition
Question: What type of computer do you recommend for use with data acquisition devices such as
Answer: When selecting a computer for use as a data acquisition system look for a fast parallel port, disk
drives with high rotation speeds and low access times. If you are using a notebook PC, it should
have a PCMCIA or PC Card slot.
We recommend that you use a PC with more than 16 Mbytes of RAM with a Windows 95 (or
higher version) operating system. While RAM does not influence transfer speeds per se, it will
benefit the Windows operating system in operational areas other than transfer speed.
Note that processor speed usually has less bearing on transfer rates than one might suspect,
although you may want the speed for other things such as number crunching or scrolling
waveforms. A 400 MHz Pentium might not transfer as fast as a 75 MHz Pentium.
(9) Topic: WaveView
Question: WaveView can communicate with my WaveBook/512, but does not detect the WBK options and
does not acquire data. What could be wrong?
Most likely the parallel port interrupt WaveView is trying to use has a conflict or is not
operating. Try another interrupt setting.
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