2-6 System Setup and Power Options
WaveBook/512 and WaveBook/512H
CA-115 Power Cables. CA-115 cables are 6 inches long and have two 5-pin male DIN
connectors. CA-115s are frequently used to link WaveBook’s POWER OUT connector to a WBK
expansion module’s POWER IN connector. CA-115 cables are also used to link an expansion
module’s POWER OUT connector to the next daisy-chained module’s POWER IN connector.
CA-115 cables and the device DIN5 connectors (see following figure) are limited to 5 amps
at 15 VDC.
3 R e t u r n
+1 0 to +3 0 V 4
+1 0 to +3 0 V 1
R e tu r n
5 N o co nn ec tion
DIN 5 Power Pinout*
Power is supplied to WaveBook modules via a DIN5
type connector located on the rear panel of the device.
*The DIN5 pinout [to the left] is based on an external
view of a WaveBook rear panel.
An optional CA-116 power cable is available. The CA-116 permits the system to be plugged into
a vehicle cigarette lighter, allowing use of the vehicle’s battery as a power supply for the
WaveBook device.
CA-129 Expansion Control Cables. Control messages are carried by CA-129 expansion-control
cables with HD-15, plug and socket connectors. The first expansion unit’s control input is driven
from the main unit’s control output. Control inputs of additional WBK modules are driven from
the preceding unit’s control output.
CA-150 Expansion Signal Cables. Expansion signals are carried by a CA-150-1 male BNC to
male BNC coaxial cable. Each WBK module drives a common parallel analog bus that carries the
signals to WaveBook’s Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). Each WBK module has
EXPANSION SIGNAL IN and EXPANSION SIGNAL OUT connectors for daisy-chaining
multiple units.
Calculate system amp load prior to creating a system daisy-chain. Although WaveBook
device connectors and CA-115 power cables have 5 amp limits, TR-40Us are limited to
2.2 amps. Tables for determining amp load are provided in the following section,
Calculating System Power.
CA-177 Strain Gage Cables. CA-177 is an optional set of eight strain-gage cables intended for
use with the eight channels of WBK16. Discussions of the CA-177 strain-gage cable and bridge
applications are contained in the WBK16 document module.
CA-217 Digital Expansion Cables. These 8-inch cables are used for connecting one or more
WBK17s to a WaveBook/516 or WaveBook/516A. The CA-217 cable has a DB25M connector
for Digital Expansion Out and a HD26M connector for Digital Expansion In. (See the following
page, second figure).
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