Linking multiple Shields® Gate units together:
This setup can be useful when covering larger open areas. A maximum of three units may be linked
together to create a uniform barrier. The units will work in a linked configuration whereas the first
unit in the chain controls signal field range and motion sensing.
Please contact your local Invisible Fence® Brand dealer to find out if the linking option is right for
you and to obtain the required hardware.
• Linking will require two (2) electrical contacts and eight (8) 3/8” #6 machine screws.
• Your dealer will assemble the units the first time
Training Guide
If your pets already understand their Invisible Fence system
If your pets already understand how to use their Invisible Fence system, adding a new area is easy.
If Shields Gate will be used for establishing Different Rules for Different Pets™ technology, please
go to the section on multi-pet households.
Once the signal field is established
1) Use the Invisible Fence training flags to mark the desired area. Flags should be set
6”-12” inches inside the signal field range. This will provide a visual cue for your pets.
Just as they learned what the flags meant when the pets were first trained, your pet will
remember that flags again mean they should avoid the area.
2) With your pet’s Computer Collar® unit in your hand, allow your pet to hear it sounding
when he is looking at the flags. Your pet should react immediately by moving away from
the designated protection area. Some pets may need to test the area a few times on their
own before they start avoiding the protected area altogether.
3) Always praise your pet for making the right choice and leaving the designated protection
4) If your pet lingers in the signal field or ignores the signal field, please contact your
Invisible Fence Dealer. Your pet’s indoor correction level designation may need an