LCD Display
LCD displays the power flow and input/output readings in a visualized graphic design which
allows the user to understand the operation status easily. The backlight of LCD remains on
whenever the inverter is working (including Standby Charging Mode and Fault Mode).
This icon is showed when AC input (from AC mains or generator) presents.
If unit is on wide mode, "WIDE" will be lighted, else MNARROWW will be
This icon is showed when PV (solar) system presents.
The icon indicates level of remaining battery capacity
The icon indicates battery flow way. If unit is on CC&CV charging stages,
" will be lighted.
The icon indicates output load level. If unit work on bypass mode,
"BYPASS" will be lighted.
Indicate PV input voltage. PV input current, AC input voltage, Battery
Indicate output voltage, output frequency, load percentage, load VA
voltage watt value.
The icon indicates unit is on LCD setting mode.
The icon indicates unit is on alarm mode or fault mode.
When unit is on LCD setting mode, it indicates program code, when unit is
on fault mode, it indicates the fault code which can be referred to specific
fault event (please refer to Section "Troubleshooting").