Setting Up the Software
This chapter describes how to set up the operating system and associated system software for your
Preparing for Setup
Your system’s disk drives were formatted and partitioned before shipment. In Explorer or My
Computer, you can right-click a disk drive and click Properties to display the drive’s partition size
and file system format. See the operating system documentation and Help for more information on
these and other disk administration tools.
The operating system and associated system software is installed on the system’s primary hard disk
drive. Installed system software includes:
Driver software for the SCSI controller, graphics controller, audio controller, network
controller, and mouse
Driver software for internal peripheral devices and for additional expansion cards installed at
the factory
Core networking software
The latest certified operating system Service Pack software, if needed
Quick-Fix Engineering (QFE) update software, if needed
InterSite system management software
The operating system is installed through the first phase of the Setup process. You must follow the
Setup process to prepare the operating system for use.
Before you go through operating system Setup, have the following documents available:
Microsoft’s operating system documentation.
Documentation for the system’s SCSI controller, graphics controller, network controller, and
any expansion cards you purchased.
Intergraph Computer Systems’ Late-Breaking News document (if provided)