SC User Guide — V
Analytics Rules
Section 3: Analytics & Alarm Rules
consists of several elements:
1. Camera List:
From the drop down menu you can select the camera
for which rules are to be created or edited.
2. Preview Screen:
The preview screen displays an image of the live
feed from the selected camera.
3. Rule List (below the preview screen):
This section contains all
the rules that exist or have been set for the selected camera. The
entries will vary by camera. From here, it is possible to add, update,
delete or combine (coupling) rules. When a rule is selected the color
of its shape/region changes in the camera preview screen.
4. Rule Properties
: This is where rules are set and configured: name,
type, preferred action when triggered, among other settings.
Object Detection Settings:
These settings determine the criteria for
detecting objects in the video. In other words, these settings tell the
SmrtHVR how to know if something is an object.
Adding and Updating Rules
Rules are added on a per-camera basis. Each camera can accommodate
four to eight rules based on the capacity of the device model.
Before a rule can be added or modified, a camera needs to be selected
from the drop-down list. The preview screen will change to show the live
feed from the chosen camera and the Rule List (Fig. 24) will display the
rules that exist for that camera.
Ensure that the correct camera is selected.
Figure 24 -
Rule List panel - for adding, editing, and deleting rules