Using AptusNX
Antenna Angle
Enter "Setup Mode" to modify settings.
Sets current antenna position. You can move the antenna's azimuth and elevation
position by using the arrows or inputting a value to find the desired satellite
• Relative Azimuth: displays the antenna relative azimuth angle.
• Absolute Azimuth: sets the antenna absolute azimuth angle.
• Elevation: sets the elevation angle.
Sets current detect level threshold and tracking level threshold.
• Detect Level: sets the current detect level threshold.
• Tracking Level: sets the current tracking level threshold.
• Tx Enable: sets the TX enable threshold.
Click the "Apply" button to apply the settings to the system.
Sets the time-out, search step and search range.
• Wait Time (sec): sets the time-out for automatic initiation of a search after the
signal level drops below the pre-defined threshold value.
• Search Step(º): sets increment step size.
• Search1/3: sets Search 1 & 3 search range. Search is conducted in a two-axis
pattern consisting of alternate movements in azimuth and elevation to form an
expanding square.
• Search2: this is reserved for future use.
Click the "Apply" button to apply the settings to the system.
Conical Range
The relative force of the motors controlling azimuth and elevation. Sets the conical
range while the antenna is in tracking mode.
Click the "Apply" button to apply the settings to the system.
Conical Range
Enter "Setup Mode" to modify settings.
Monitors the Azimuth and the elevation value when the conical range is modified.
• Switch Activation: choose whether to use the switch activation function or not.
(On / Off)
Click the "Apply" button to apply the settings to the system.
Enter "Setup Mode" to modify settings.
Adjusts the elevation to offset the angle difference between the mechanical
elevation angle and actual elevation angle.
Click the "Apply" button to apply the settings to the system.
Tilt Sensor Bias
: The tilt values of the elevation and cross-level axes were calibrated to the
optimal condition at the factory prior to shipment. However, when the antenna
MCU unit or fixed sensor unit is replaced, the elevation and the cross-level axes
must be checked by adjusting tilt and rate sensor value. Refer to the replacement
manual for detailed procedures. The separate device (e.g. level indicator) for
manual adjustment is not provided by Intellian.
Enter "Setup Mode" to modify settings.
Maintain the elevation and the cross-level axes in order to keep the pedestal
parallel to the horizon.
• Ready: click the "Ready" button to bring the elevation and cross-level to 0.
• EL/CL: select "EL"/"CL" and click the Up and Down arrow keys to adjust the
elevation and cross-level.
Click the "Restart" button on the top menu to restarts the antenna system.