Intel® Server Board X38ML
Platform Management
Revision 1.3
Intel order number E15331-006
SOL Found Active:
The BIOS prioritizes SOL over Serial B Console Redirection. The BIOS
queries the BMC for the SOL Baud Rate and overrides the Setup Serial B Console Redirection
Baud with the SOL Baud Rate.
The BIOS enables Hardware Flow control between the BIOS and BMC and forces terminal
emulation type PC-ANSI.
Since Serial B is a shared port between the BIOS and BMC, if the SOL is active, the user will
not see any data on Serial B port.
The SOL override settings are only valid for the current BIOS boot. If the SOL is not
active during the next boot, the BIOS uses the Console Redirection settings selected by the
user and performs Console Redirection on Serial port A.
Example 2:
Console Redirection is enabled on Serial A with Baud = 115200, Flow Control=CTS-RTS,
Terminal Type =VT100.
SOL Not Active:
The BIOS sends data on Serial A port with 115200 Baud, with flow control
CTS-RTS enabled, and it emulates terminal Type VT100. In summary, the BIOS uses the BIOS
Setup utility to perform Console Redirection on Serial A.
SOL Found Active:
The BIOS prioritizes SOL over Serial A Console Redirection. The BIOS
queries the BMC for the SOL Baud Rate and overrides the Setup Serial A Console Redirection
Baud with the SOL Baud Rate.
The BIOS enables Hardware Flow control between the BIOS and BMC and forces terminal
emulation type as PC-ANSI. The BIOS stops sending data on Serial A.
The SOL override settings are only valid for the current BIOS boot. If the SOL is not
active during the next boot, the BIOS uses the Console Redirection settings selected by the
user and performs Console Redirection on Serial port A.