Using the BIOS Setup Program
The user password must be set before you can
enable this option. If Enabled is selected, the
computer boots, but the keyboard will be locked
until the user password is entered.
Security Hot Key (CTRL-ALT-)
Sets a hot key that, when pressed, locks the
keyboard until the user password is entered.
The keyboard
flash to indicate that the
keyboard is locked. When you enter the user
password, you do not have to press the
Exit Screen
This section describes how to exit and save
changes to the Setup program or exit and
discard changes to the Setup program.
Exit Saving Changes
Exits and saves changes made to the Setup
program. You can also press the
anywhere in the Setup program to exit and save
Exit Discarding Changes
Exits without saving changes made to the Setup
program. This means that any changes you
made to the Setup program are discarded and
not saved. You can also press the
in the four main screens to exit the Setup
program without saving changes.
Load Setup Defaults
Returns all Setup program options to their
defaults. You can also press the
anywhere in the Setup program to load the
Setup defaults.
This option loads the default Setup values from
the ROM table.
Discard Changes
Discards any changes you made during the
current Setup session without exiting the
program. You can also press the
anywhere in the Setup program to discard any
changes to Setup without exiting the program.
This option loads the CMOS RAM values that
were present when the computer was turned on.