Intel® Responsive Retail Sensor (RRS) Hx Series Sensor
User & Installation Guide
August 2018
Page: 26
Revision 0.4
Theory of Operation
The power of RRS is in the networked communication and coordination that exists
between the Sensor Platforms themselves and between the RFID Gateway. Whether a
particular RFID system deployment has 5 or 500 RRS devices, this communication and
coordination greatly simplifies initial configuration as well as the operational management.
This section defines the set of messages used between the RFID Retail Sensor Platform
and the RFID Gateway that facilitates this orchestration.
Some of these messages affect the RF power output and modulation scheme being
transmitted. The Impinj R2000 RF subsystem buffers all commands received from the
RFID Gateway via the Host Processor. NOTE: Any command that attempts to set a
parameter to a value that is outside its valid range or would otherwise cause the RRS-
Sensors to no longer be compliant with its certification will return an error code and the
previous command settings will persist.
Several Use Cases have been defined that illustrate initial discovery, configuration and
tag population management. Detailed message definitions can be found in the Retail
Sensor Platform API.