Intel® Responsive Retail Sensor (RRS) Hx Series Sensor
August 2018
User & Installation Guide
Revision 0.4
Page: 25
Software Description
Figure 8: RRS-Hx000 Software Stack
7.1 Operating System
The H4000/H3000 uses the Freescale I.MX6 processor running a Yocto Project Linux
kernel and file system.
7.2 Secure Platform
The H4000/H3000 incorporates both secure boot, file system encryption and software
packages that are signed by Intel’s EDSS to insure that only the software intended for
this device is allowed to run.
7.3 Security Provisioning
The H4000/H3000 includes an embedded NFC tag for programming the security
information required to join the Responsive Retail Platform
. An Android Application is
available to easily program this information into the sensor. The screenshots below
show how to use this application to program the H4000/H3000.
TODO Add screenshots