Setting Up an OpenVPN-Server
You can use the MoRoS ADSL 2.1 PRO as OpenVPN server, if you want to send
confidential data via an unsecured network, for example. This section describes the
set-up of an OpenVPN server. The basic settings are reasonable factory defaults,
which you may change in certain circumstances. Here, you define which port of
the MoRoS ADSL 2.1 PRO is used to create the OpenVPN tunnel and if the
OpenVPN transmission is performed with the UDP or the TCP protocol. Moreover,
you can specify here, whether the clients are informed about the server network,
the remote terminal may change its IP address, LZO compression is used, packets
are masked before tunnelling, which encryption algorithm is used during
transmission, how big the tunnel packets are to be, and in which time intervals the
OpenVPN server sends VPN pings. In addition, you will have the option to display
the OpenVPN status, to display the current configuration file, to create a
configuration for an OpenVPN remote terminal, and to display a log of the last
connection. You can use the generated configuration file to create an OpenVPN
configuration file for exampple, which can be used as basis for the operation of an
OpenVPN instance on a client PC. The OpenVPN packet for Windows clients can
be downloaded from the INSYS icom web site (
This program is used as remote terminal, if you want to establish an OpenVPN
connection from a Windows PC.
Configuration via the web interface
In order to use the OpenVPN server for a connection, check in the menu
"LAN (ext)" on the page "OpenVPN server" the checkbox "Activate
OpenVPN server".
In order to define the local port at the MoRoS ADSL 2.1 PRO as well as
the port at the remote terminal, enter a value for the required port into
the entry fields "Tunnelling over port (local / remote)" (default setting
The OpenVPN transmission protocol is selected with the radio buttons
"UDP" or "TCP". We recommend using UPD to minimise latency.
In order to inform the clients about the route to the network behind the
server, check the checkbox "Inform clients about server network". If this
setting is disabled, a communication can only be initiated from the
network of the server.
In order to enable remote OpenVPN terminals to change its IP during a
connection ("Floating"), check the checkbox "Remote terminal is allowed
to change its IP address (float)". This setting is activated by default.