Please note:
• Longer cooking times may alter food texture.
• Suggested times and temperatures are intended as guidelines;
additional cooking time may be required to achieve desired
• All thicknesses in preceding table are measured once the food
has been vacuum sealed.
• Thinner cuts of meat will cook faster.
If you experience any problem with your appliance, try these
helpful tips.
Error code E1: When the water level falls below the MIN threshold
mark on the circulator, it will trigger a sensor and the circulator
will stop. Error code E1 will be featured on the display. Turn the
appliance off, add sufficient water, turn it on again and the circula-
tor will resume the cooking process.
Error code E4: When the water level falls below the MIN threshold
mark on the circulator, and the water shortage sensor fails to
activate, it will trigger the dry boil sensor and the circulator will
stop. Error code E4 will be featured on the display. Turn the appli-
ance off, add sufficient water and turn it on again. When the circu-
lator has sufficiently cooled down, the circulator will resume the
cooking process.