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10 (fully independent). The factory-default value is 5, midway
between the extremes, although the various Factory Presets will
have varied settings. Use your ears with this slider to deter-
mine how ‘busy’ you want the audio to sound.
Not surprisingly, the same 5 Multipressor bands are the basis
for a 5-band graphic equalizer that enables static equalization
control over the program’s spectral shape.
The 5 Bands
The five DAVID IV bands are labeled:
. Although we have afforded some user adjustment over
crossover frequencies, bands have these nominal boundaries:
The really deep bass frequencies that are generally
lost without a good subwoofer.
This range would be perceived as ‘bass’ on radios
with puny speakers and covers a range that in-
cludes male voices. Excessive energy in this band
tends to make the program sound ‘tubby’ or ‘mud-
This is the ‘articulation’ region, pretty much smack-
dab in the center of the audible range. Female vo-
cals and the ‘melody’ in music reside here.
‘Presence’ frequencies are responsible for bright-
ness, aliveness, immediacy and closeness… the ef-
fect that the program source is live and up-front.
Frequencies above the presence range contribute to
the qualities generally dubbed ‘sparkle,’ ‘crispness,’
‘tinkle’ and ‘air’ in the program audio.
The five
EQ (dB):
sliders are simply level controls in the outputs
of the five bands where the spectrum is recombined. Use these
EQ sliders to craft the general shape of the station’s sonic sig-
nature. You’ve got to use your ears for adjusting EQ and for
making decisions regarding Multipressor drive and band cou-
pling. The factory default for EQ sliders is a flat setting of 0dB
in all bands. Factory Presets, on the other hand, will show
these controls in positions that complement the selected for-
Crossovers and
Time Constants
Crossover / AR
submenu is a sort of a mysterious ‘gray area’
in the multiband compressor setup routine. These, like other
settings, have been optimized following hours of critical listen-
ing and endless experimenting. You really need to take time
and thought when departing from factory-default values. Other
than this warning, additional guidance in the matter is really
beyond the scope of this manual. Please study, learn and un-
derstand what you’re attempting and exercise caution.