Innomed Medical Inc.
The generator logs all exposures. All exposure data (date, time, set / measured
values) are stored. Three logs are created:
Normal exposures:
This contains all perfect exposures. Its capacity is approximately 600 exposures.
Faulty exposures:
This contains the data of exposures that end with fault-message. Its capacity is
approximately 300 exposures.
Overloaded exposures:
This contains the exposures that had HU value over 100% at the moment of
exposure, or the WAIT time did not reach zero. Its capacity is approximately 300
A PC based service program can be used to view the logs. If any of the logs are full,
the oldest exposure’s data is deleted, overwritten with the newest ones.
For both of the above cases exposure is not disabled.
It is the operator’s responsibility to decide whether to make
exposure contrary to the warning. The generator records
exposures made with overloading in a separate log-file!