General Description
Fire detection and extinguishing system
Chapter 2
General Description
Previdia Ultra System
Previdia Ultra is a modular system for constructing fire detection, alarm, exinguishing and voice alarm systems. A voice
evacuation system (commonly named “EVAC” standing for Emergency Voice Alarm and Communication) is a system
that uses loudspeakers and amplifiers with characteristics suitable for alerting building occupants to imminent danger in
the event of a fire. In addition to this specific function, a voice system can also be used for common “PA” (Public
Addressing) purposes, that is, for the diffusion of music or non-emergency communications.
These functions can be activated and used in accordance with the combination of modules which make up the system.
The three typical system applications are:
• control panel in single cabinet
• control panel in several cabinets (multi-cabinet system)
• control panels in a network (RS485 connection, Ethernet point-to-point, optic fiber)
There are three basic control panel models which can be developed and expanded through the use and installation of
additional modules.
The basic control panel models are:
control panel in single cabinet with fire detection functions. The control panel
includes the modules:
- FPMCPU, main CPU unit with display
- IFAMPSU, power-supply module capable of supplying current up to 1KWatt at
- IFM2L - module for the management of two loop circuits for devices
distributed in the protected area.
control panel in single cabinet with voice evacuation functions. The control
panel includes the modules:
-FPAMIAS: control panel with display for EVAC/PA voice functions
-IFAMPSU, power-supply module capable of supplying current up to 1KWatt at
-IFAMEVAC: audio matrix module for signals processing
-IFAMAMP: 250W audio amplifier module
-PTT microphone