8.1.2 Orange LED
This LED indicates that alarms have been triggered in the inverter. Fast flashing
This flashing indicates that an alarm has been triggered in the inverter,
however the malfunction is not serious enough to cause shutdown. The
most frequent alarm of this type is for protection against high temperatures:
The inverter is in self-limiting mode, because it has reached the maximum
acceptable temperature.
In this situation, check that the fans are operating, that the air inlets and
outlets are free from obstacles and that there are no heat sources close to
the inverter. If the error persists, contact Ingeteam Energy S.A.
8.1.3 Red LED
This LED indicates that alarms have been triggered in the inverter. Constantly on
The inverter shuts down. This flashing indicates that an alarm has been
triggered in the inverter, requiring it to shut down. The most frequent alarms
which force the inverter to shut down are as follows:
1000H, Manual shutdown. The equipment has been manually stopped.
Check that the emergency stop button has not been accidentally pressed and
try and activate from the display, by removing the manual shut down order.
0001H, Grid Frequency out of limit..
0002H, Grid Voltage out of limit.
This is usually caused by a grid outage. Once the situation is back to normal,
the inverter will start operating again. If not, check the Grid connection lines.
If the grid quality parameters are adequate, then inspect the grid connection
If the error persists, contact Ingeteam Energy S.A.
0400H, Insulation failure in the DC circuit.
An insulation failure can be life threatening.
An insulation failure must only be repaired by qualified personnel.
0020H, Alarm due to the overheating of the power electronics.
The equipment temperature is too high and it has stopped delivering current
to the grid. Once it has cooled down it will reconnect to the grid.
8.1.4 Three LED flashing simultaneously
This LED code indicates a failure in the inverter. This failure can de caused
- Electronics failure
- Contactor failure. Check that neutral is correctly connected.
If the error persists, contact Ingeteam Energy S.A.
Installation and Operation Manual
Rev. _
Date: February 2011
Page 56