9-2-2 Weak and Strong Sounds
In the Single-Source mode, the device shows only the strongest sound source in
the field of view with a crosshair. The strongest source depends on the currently
selected filter; different filters might display different sound sources.
In the Multi-Source mode, the device shows not only the strongest sound source,
but also weaker sound sources. The strongest sound source is the field of view
is still marked with a crosshair Sound sources considerably weaker than the
strongest source will not be shown. The multi-source mode is useful for locating
weaker sound sources.
In order to see weaker sound sources in the presence of a strong sound source,
move or rotate the camera so that the strong sound source is clearly outside the
field of view. Users can also use the zoom feature to limit the field of view.
Always keep in mind that any analysis is derived from the location marked by the
crosshair on the display.
9-2-3 Actual versus Reflected Sound
The device shows not only actual physical sound sources, but also sound
reflections. In order to verify a source shown on the display is an actual sound
source and not a reflection, move around to look at the source from different
directions. If the location of the source remains consistent, the source is an
actual sound source. If the location of the source moves along a surface or
completely disappears, the source is probably a reflection.
As the multi-source mode shows strong and weak sound sources, it can be useful
for finding actual and reflected sound sources. By moving the device around the
user may be able to tell which of the sources on screen are reflections.
If an actual sound source is large, e.g. a large vibrating surface, the source
shown on the display might be smaller than the actual source. The source might
in this case also move around as you move around the surface, depending on
which point of the surface is closest to the device. Be sure to adjust the filters on
the device to get an accurate picture of the sound source.
In this case, taking a snapshot and viewing it in the Cloud might help. In the
Cloud, it is possible to adjust the dynamic range of the heatmap with the slider
below the image. By increasing the dynamic range, you might be able to tell how
large the sound source actually is.
Users should test the inspection area with different filters to see which filter
gives the best results. Change the filer type by using the touchscreen to tap the
filter button in the top right corner.
For air leak detection, use the High and Ultra filters to block out audible
background noise. The SLM filter emphasizes the sound from leaks by further
filtering out many typical industrial noise sources.
For Partial discharge inspections, the Norm filter filters out low frequency
background noise. Use the High and Ultra filters to block out audible background