Figure 4-5
OSD settings include: Text OSD, Date OSD and Time OSD.
Text OSD:
It is used to set the contents of text, its position where to display
and display status.
the contents of the title. Display no more than 30
X Axis &Y Axis:
the title Axis location. Both X Axis and Y Axis
can be any of a whole number from 0 to 99.
Click “Display” to enable text display.
Date OSD:
It is used to set date format, its display position and display status.
Time OSD:
It is used to set time display position and display status.
After all settings finished, click “Set” button. If display enabled, then the
setting will appear on the screen at designated location.
4.6 Qos Setting
Click “QoS” button, and network Qos setting interface will be
shown as follows:
Figure 4-6
There are 4 network Qos modes to be selected:
Normal Service
Max Reliability
Max Throughput
Min Delay
Select the desired setting, and then click “Set” button to save the
configured parameters.
Normal Service.
Available only for super user. Plus the revision comes into
valid only after reboot.
4.7 Resolution Settings
Click the “Resolution” button in the navigation bar to display the
graphic mode interface:
Figure 4-7
There are three modes available: 960P, 720P and closed.
Click “Set” after finishing the corresponding settings.
If you set “Minor Stream” in the “Stream Type” interface,
there will be different options in “Resolution” interface.
4.8 I/P Rate
Click “I/P Rate” button in the navigation bar to display the
following interface.
Figure 4-8
I/P rate means the ratio of I frame to P frame in compressed video
images. Different I/P bit rates could be selected according to
different system configurations. The higher bit rate (data
transmission speed) is, the faster data transmitting will be. Select
the corresponding value and click “Set” to confirm.
Recommended setting:
The adjustable bit rates include: 2, 4, 8, 15, 20, 25 and 30.
4.9 Frame Rate
Click the “Frame Rate” button in the navigation bar to display the
Frame Rate interface: