FY operation manual
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14. Main Waste Ink Bottle
Use to collect the waste ink
15. Vacuum
16. Vacuum Power Socket
17. Suck Mouth
18. Waste Ink Bottle
Use to collect the waste ink from suck mouth
19. Main ink tank and cleaning solution tank
a total five lines, including C, M, Y, K and solvent flushing,
20. Printing Interface Socket
Connect to Data card on computer
21. Power Socket
Provide power for Printer
22. Heater Power Socket
Provide power for Heater
23. Heater corona protection switch
For heater corona protection
24. Take-up/Down feed Media Power Switch
25. Take-up Media control power
To control the media rolling forward or backward
26. Down feed Media control power
To control the media rolling forward or backward
27. Down feed Media support roller
28. Down Feed Media Roller
Pull media out
29. Down Feed Media Press Roller
Increase the power when pulling media out
30. Take-up Media Press Roller: To ensure media tension all the same, a fixed pressure should be given to
media when taking up. Alternatively, you may put a light pole on
31. Take-up Media Roller: Used to take up media