IM483 Operating Instructions Revision R032306
IM483 Operating Instructions Revision R032306
WARNING! Do not connect or disconnect motor or power leads
with power applied!
NOTE: The physical direction of the motor with respect to the
direction input will depend upon the connection of the motor
windings. To switch the direction of the motor with respect to
the direction input, switch the wires on either Phase A or Phase
B outputs.
M o t o r W i r i n g
As with the power supply wiring, motor wiring should be run separately
from logic wiring to minimize noise coupled onto the logic signals. Mo-
tor cabling exceeding 1’ in length should be shielded twisted pairs to
reduce the transmission of EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) which can
lead to rough motor operation and poor system performance. For more
information on wiring and shielding, please refer to
Rules of Wiring and
in Section 5 of this manual.
Below are listed the recommended motor cables:
Dual Twisted Pair Shielded (Separate Shields)
< 5 feet ........................................... Belden Part# 9402 or equivalent 20 Gauge
> 5 feet ........................................... Belden Part# 9368 or equivalent 18 Gauge
When using a bipolar motor, the motor must be within 100 feet of the
C o n n e c t i n g t h e M o t o r
The motor leads are connected to the following connector pins:
I M 4 8 3
Phase Connector: Pin
Phase B ........................................................................ P2: 5
Phase B ........................................................................ P2: 6
Phase A ........................................................................ P2: 7
Phase A ........................................................................ P2: 8