IM483 Operating Instructions Revision R032306
IM483 Operating Instructions Revision R032306
S e c t i o n 7
I n t e r f a c i n g a n d C o n t r o l l i n g t h e
I M 4 8 3
S e c t i o n O v e r v i e w
This section covers the interface connections, configuration and control
signals of the IM483. Covered are:
Layout and Interface Guidelines.
Motor Power Connection (+V).
Controlling the Output Current
Controlling the Output Resolution.
Logic Interface Connection and Use.
Using the Fault Output.
Using the On-Fullstep Output.
Minimum Required Connections.
L a y o u t a n d I n t e r f a c e G u i d e l i n e s
Logic level signals should not run parallel to motor phase signals. The
motor phase signals will couple noise onto the logic level signals. This
will cause rough motor motion and unreliable system operation. The mo-
tor phase signals should be run as pairs.
When leaving the driver module, motor cables should not run paral-
lel with other wires. Phases should be wired using twisted pairs. If
motor cabling in excess of one foot is required, motor cabling should
be shielded twisted pairs to reduce the transmission of EMI. The shield
must be tied to AC ground at the driver end only, or the supply ground if
AC ground is not available. The motor end must be left floating.
If more than one driver is connected to the power supply, separate
power and ground connections from each driver to the power supply
should be used. Do not “daisy chain”.
The power supply cables need to be a twisted pair if power is connected
from a source external to the board. If multiple drivers are used with an
external power source and it is not possible to run separate power and
ground connections to each driver, a low impedance electrolytic capaci-
tor equivalent to two times the total capacitance of all driver capacitors
and of equal voltage must be placed at the power input of the board.