IM483 Operating Instructions Revision R032306
IM483 Operating Instructions Revision R032306
F u l l S t e p O u t p u t
The full step output is a high speed MOSFET (open drain) output located at
P1:8. This output will toggle LOW each time the driver makes a full step, and
remain so for the duration of the full step. A full step occurs each time the
Phase A or Phase B sine wave crosses through zero. At zero crossing there
will be full current in one motor winding, zero current in the other. This full
step position is a common position regardless of the microstep resolution
This high speed output is non-isolated and can sustain maximum driver volt-
age. It is capable of sinking up to 25mA.
This output can be used to count the number of full steps directed by the
driver. By so utilizing this output, the user can both measure the repeatability
of the stepper system and track motor position. Please note that using this
output is not closed-loop control, merely a method of monitoring position and
repeatability. It represents full steps commanded by the driver, not actual full
steps moved by the motor.
The application example shown in figure 7.11 illustrates a method where an
up/down counter may be connected to the full step output. The counter will
count the number of full steps up or down based upon the state of the direction
input. The count input of the counter will increment or decrement with each
full step taken.
As noted in the drawing, this is only a representation of a possible application
of the full step output. Additional interface circuitry may be required between
the IM483 and the counter. Check the documentation provided by the manu-
facturer of your counter for interface requirements.
Figure 7.11: The Full Step Output Connected to an Up/Down Counter
Full Step Output P1:8
Opto Supply
Direction P1:3
Up/Down Counter
NOTE: This drawing represents a possible application
of the full step output. Additional interface circuitry
may be required between the IM483 and the counter!