ESC Mounting
The ESCs sit below the center spider as shown below. On beta units the best way to mount
them is with a piece of 3M VHB doublesided tape. Avoid mounting them with tiewraps, or
anything else that wraps around the center spider, since that will impede the ability to fold the
Tip: If possible, try to avoid ‘peel & stick’ type thicker foam tapes, the adhesive on these will
last for a short while, but eventually will give way (this was recommended in previous versions
of the build log)
Tip: Note that the ESCs should not be mounted too close to the center plate, or the capacitor
that is usually sticking out of the end of the ESC will become a great way to transmit vibration
between the arm, and the frame.
Soldering Cables to the Power Distribution Plate
Now that the ESCs are installed, you can complete all of the soldering to the power distribution
Starting with the ESCs, cut the ESC power wires to the correct length to allow them to be
soldered directly onto the pads on the board. Note that for DJI ESCs, the positive and negative
terminals are positioned correctly to line up directly with the power cables, without crossing
wires. Ensure that with the ESCs used, the red ESC power wire is soldered to the + terminal,
and the black ESC power wire is soldered to the terminal.
Warning: Do not get these wires backwards… ESCs are not very forgiving if wired to a LiPo
backwards!. Check, and doublecheck!
Next, solder two lengths of 14 AWG (or similar) siliconecoated wire to the pads market BATT.
To start with, use a length of approx 10cm, these can be cut down to the correct length later
when the battery is selected and installed.
Next step is to solder two lengths of thinner siliconecoated wire to the pads marked NAZA. Start
with a length of about 10cm, and as for the power cables above, these will be cut down to length
later in the build. For both the power, and these cables, try to use color coded wire, red and
black, to avoid any magic smoke later when they are hooked up backwards.
Final soldering step is the A/V Tx power cable. This should be approx 10cm long, and be
soldered onto the pads marked NAZA, since they need to exit on the right side of the quad,
nearest the antenna mount on the lower frame plate. The frame is designed for an ImmersionRC
600mW Tx, mounted in the recess in the right side of the frame, which protects it from impact
from all sides.