STNM ed 07/07
NIKE Mini Export
Technical Documentation
Technical Documentation
NIKE Mini 24 S Export
Compact, wall-hung conventional flue boiler for
central heating only (type B).
NIKE Mini 24 S
NIKE Mini S is a wall-hung conventional flue boiler for central
heating only with an output power of 23.6 kW (20,296 kcal/h)
which, using an optional kit comprising a 3-way electric valve
and a domestic hot water probe together with the necessary
(that can be connected directly to the integrated board)
can be combined with a separate storage tank to produce
domestic hot water.
A microprocessor controlled electronic boards sees to adjust-
ing and controlling the appliance
(burner ignition, temperature
setting, flame modulation and diagnostics)
which, by means of a
digital interface complete with display and push buttons, lets
you see and adjust the operating parameters.
With the new electronics the appliance can be connected
to the Remote Digital Control for controlling the boiler
remotely with the utmost ease and also integrates the timer/
room thermostat, boiler diagnostics and delivery temperature
thermoregulation functions.
The boiler is fitted with a
safety antifreeze system as a
feature that protects it against temperatures as low
-5 °C.
The hydraulic circuit is equipped with a copper water-gas
exchanger, a pump unit in a composite material and a delivery
manifold on which an automatic by-pass and safety valve,
calibrated at 3 bar, are housed.
General features.