The samples for the reference measurements should be extracted from as close as possible to the probe
→ The moisture distribution is often very inhomogienius inside the grain dryer
When using a calibrated instrument with small sample volumes, several samples must be extracted and their
arithmetical average calculated
→ The smaller the sample volume, the larger the failures due to e.g. weight measurement
Please note that calibrated instruments also have measurement faults, depending of the device between 2%
in the lower and even 5% in the upper moisture range.
→ An alignment between the TRIME GW Line and the reference measurements should be based on multiple
measurements if possible at different moistures.
5.5 Recording measurement data in trial operation
The selection of the calibration curve can only be done in real operation or in realistic trial operation. The following
description is based on the implementation of the TRIME-GW Line at the discharge, in the delivery or in the
storage area.
As a general rule, only the moisture range close to the reference input is of significance for trial operation, i.e.
when determining the switch position for maize at e.g. 15%, calibration should be done at about 15%. It is more
important that the TRIME-GW Line is exactly correct in range of the setpoint value, in this example in the lower
measurement range. It is of less importance whether TRIME-GW Line measures 26% instead of 28% in the upper
measurement range.
When extracting a sample or checking the lower reference input (e.g. 15% ), a single sample is of course insufficient.
Single samples, possibly even extracted from quite a different point than in the direct vicinity of the probe, are not
representative. Several samples must be taken directly at the probe and averaged.
At the start of trial operation, the suitable calibration curve can be set.
When all the preparations for extracting samples and reference measurmentshave been made, the grain dryer can
be started up. Now, samples of grain must be taken continuously, ideally every 15 minutes.
The TRIME-GW Line reading and the selected calibration curve are to be noted simultaneously with every extracted
sample. This is compared with the appropriate offline-determined reference value, which is also to be noted. As
soon as the moisture is near the target moisture, the calibration curve should be set to the best possible value,
which is the nearest to the reference value.
In the following you will find a ready-to-use form for entering the measurements.
Where continuous-flow dryers are concerned, at least 10 to 20 measurements should be available in the
range between the minimum and maximum permissible moisture content after drying. The measurements
from the still very damp discharged grain during the charge phase should be noted but not used for the
purposes of adjustment.
For rotary dryers, only the measurements taken towards the end of the drying process are of relevance
to adjustment. Here, too, at least 10 measurements are to have to be documented. Density and moisture
distribution effects in the grain can cause too low measurements during the first one to two hours. These
values should not be used for the adjustment.
5.6 Setting the calibration curve (adjustment)
The appropriate setting of the calibration curve should be determined on the adjustment protocol. Only the
measurements near the target moisture should be taken into account.
5.7 Selection of the individual Calibration Curves