How do I add and delete contacts for Alexa Communication?
When you register for Alexa Communication on your Alexa app, you will be asked to import
your contacts from your device, which will then appear as contacts in your Alexa app. When
you open the Alexa app, your contacts are auto-updated from your tablet or mobile phone.
You may disable contact import in the Alexa app. If contact import is disabled, contacts you
previously imported from your device will be deleted.
You may also manually add contacts to your Alexa contact list in the Alexa app or
. You can also delete each contact you manually added by
selecting the applicable contact card.
Do I need to give permission for others to call or message me?
First you must register for Alexa Communication. Once you are registered, if another Alexa
Communication user has your contact details, they can reach you via Alexa.
Who will receive my calls or messages?
If you call or message another Alexa Communication user, the call or message will go to all
supported Echo devices associated with that contact, as well as that contact's Alexa app. If
you want to call that same contact's mobile phone number, you can ask Alexa (e.g., "Alexa,
call Jane Smith's mobile,"). If you call someone who is not an Alexa Communication user,
the call will go to their phone number as it is stored in your contact book.
What is Do Not Disturb mode?
Do Not Disturb puts your Echo device on silent, meaning you will not receive calls or
messages via Alexa. Simply say "Alexa, turn on Do Not Disturb," or you can turn it on by
Devices icon
Echo & Alexa
[Your Device Name]
Do Not Disturb
in the
Alexa app. When you're ready to receive calls and messages again, just say "Alexa, turn off
Do Not Disturb."
How do I remove messages from my conversation list?
On the iOS version of the Alexa app, swipe a conversation to the left and click "Remove." On
the Android version of the Alexa app, long press on a conversation to select it, then tap the
Trash icon in the top navigation bar. Note that removing a conversation from your
conversation list does not remove it from your contact's conversation list. It is not possible for
you to remove sent or received messages from a contact's conversation list.