Picture Additional
Picture Additional
Configure IR/DayNight Mode; Picture Adjustment including Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation; and White
Balance displayed in the video pane, as well as Electronic Image Stabilization and Frame Noise Reduction.
Electronic Image Stabilization and Frame Noise Reduction are only available on Illustra Pro models.
Wide Dynamic Range
Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) is a feature that allows viewing of high contrast scenes that include both bright and
low light areas in the same field of view (FOV).
WDR Level allows you to adjust the WDR level to favour a underexposed or overexposed image. By selecting the
lower end of the control the image is underexposed; this provides more detail in areas of brightness, but less detail
in areas of darkness. On the other hand, selecting the higher end of the control overexposes the image which
provides more detail in the dark areas but less detail in the bright areas.
A typical use for this feature would be viewing a scene with both indoor and outdoor lighting conditions
simultaneously, such as a warehouse area with an open bay door.
Procedure 3-7 Enable/Disable Wide Dynamic Range (WDR)
Step Action
on the GUI banner to display the setup menus.
Picture Settings
from the
Select the
Picture Additional
Select the
Enable WDR
check box to enable wide dynamic range.
Deselect the
Enable WDR
check box to disable wide dynamic range.
The default setting is ‘Disabled’.
- End -
IR/Day Night Mode
IR/DayNight Mode utilizes a series of specific camera functions to dramatically enhance low light performance.
One of these camera functions, the True TDN mechanism, used when needed, removes an IR Cut Filter (IRCF)
from in front of the imager; this allows the camera to see in black and white (BW) and utilize additional near-
infrared energy found in many lighting sources such as halogen, moonlight, etc.
The preceding, in conjunction with slowing down another camera function, shutter speed, significantly improves
low-light performance—rendering clear images where none could be viewed previously.
IR Mode
When the camera is in B/W mode, it can utilize, or 'see', near-IR illumination—something the human eye cannot
do. This can be extremely powerful when the camera is paired with 850~950nm IR illuminators. With this