Control Maintenance - continued
- Some of the controls have a short shaft and cannot be pulled out exposing
the shaft for lubrication. In the unlikely event one of these controls sticks or
becomes difficult to operate you can remove the control from the housing
and lubricate it, or return the housing to Ikelite for maintenance. To remove
the control, Diagram L, page 22, loosen the set screw in the knob (hex
head wrench required); remove the knob. If there is salt or dirt build-up on
the exposed control shaft, clean the shaft. Open the housing and gently
slide the control shaft out of the control gland. Clean and lightly lubricate
the shaft, including the end of the shaft. Slide the shaft back into the control
gland and gently slide the shaft back and forth a few times without fully
removing the shaft from the gland. Replace the knob noting the flat area
on the shaft. The set screw in the knob should tighten down against the flat
area on the control, so the knob does not turn on the shaft.
Close housing without a camera inside and water pressure test in a
bathtub or swimming pool. Rotate* the knobs to make sure the housing is
watertight and the gland was installed properly. Check all controls while the
housing is submerged.
*Caution: If your housing has a shutter spring, DO NOT rotate the shutter
control more than 1/16th of a rotation, otherwise, you may accidentally bend
the shutter spring or cause the spring to “pop off” the control shaft.