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Suspending, powering off, resetting, and restoring factory defaults
The Power button allows you to suspend, power off, or reset the device. A series of
keyboard actions also lets you restore the hard drive, settings, and icons to their original
factory defaults. Below are instructions for each action.
Suspending the device:
Suspending ike is different from powering it off:
Suspending the device puts it to sleep, and when it is turned back on, the device
remembers where it was. Some battery power is used.
Powering off the device closes all programs and turns off all of the power. No battery
power is used.
We recommend suspending your device if you plan to turn it off for less than two weeks.
To suspend your device, press the Power button briefly and release. To resume the
device from suspend mode, press the Power button again.
Note: If you suspend the device while it is charging, the flashing red light disappears.
However, the device continues to charge.
Powering off ike:
Powering off the device ends all programs and removes power from all
system components except for the real-time clock. Unlike suspend mode, the device
resets when it is powered on again.
To preserve battery power, we recommend you power off the device if it will be left unused
for two weeks or longer.
To power off ike:
1. Save your open files and close any running programs.
2. Press and hold the Power button until the Power Button
menu appears, then release the Power button.
Note: The device cannot be powered off while it is
plugged into the wall charger.
Tap on-screen the [Power Off] button. A warning
dialog appears, as shown in the second picture. Tap
OK. Note: The keyboard backlight stays on for a few
seconds after the device shuts off. The device cannot
be powered back on until the keyboard backlight turns
To power on your ike, hold down the Power button until you see the green notification light