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Owner’s Manual
5.5 Deleting disk information and removing the disk
This function is designed to allow you to delete information on a disk that you no longer want
to store or manage.
If you delete the disk stored in the CD Organizer, the disk will be ejected. If already ejected,
only the tray information listed for that disk will be deleted. The deleted disk information is
not deleted permanently, but will be moved to the History record. The History function
allows you only retain information on the last 75 records that are deleted.
[ D e l e t e ]
Step 1.
Select [View All] from the [Eject] menu
([Delete] function is offered in [View All],
[Disk Type] screen.)
Step 2.
Select the tray to delete and right click on
your mouse button.
(reminder that those highlighted in green
denotes that a disk is still present in your
organizer, while those listed in grey represent
those trays which are not occupied but have
retained data on the disk that was ejectd.
Step 3.
Select [Delete] in appeared menu.
Step 4.
If you are deleting a disk which currently
installed in the Organizer, , it ejects the Disk
tray so you can remove the disk and removes
the Disk data.
Otherwise, if the disk is not present, it
removes disk data of the tray.
A Confirmation message will appear. Select
Yes to continue or NO to cancel.