Force Connect
Matrix function that allows to switch with the own
console to a CPU that is already used and in doing
so to take keyboard and mouse control. The
connected console so far loses K/M control, but
keeps video.
Matrix function that allows to switch with the own
console to a CPU that is already used and in doing
so to take KVM control. The connected console so
far loses complete KVM control.
Java Tool
Java based control and configuration tool for the
Draco major matrix.
Matrix function that allows taking over the keyboard
control of an inactive console.
KVM Auto Close Matrix function that allows after a connection
establishment with a CPU in the OSD to close it and
to set up the connection immediately.
KVM Listview
Listing of all CPUs that are available fort he CPU.
KVM Mode
The user can switch with his own console to all
available CPUs in the KVM mode.
Macro Keys
Programmable keys that can execute a stringing
together of commands to the matrix.
Mouse Connect
Matrix function that allows taking the mouse control
of an inactive console.
Matrix configuration where no user can be disturbed
by an activity of another user.
OSD Timeout
Matrix function that describes the period of inactivity
after OSD will be closed automatically.
Release Time
Matrix function that allows a console that is
connected with the same CPU to release the K/M
control after a predefined time.
Communication connection to and between
extension modules in a network environment.