IFM Electronic O3D303 Operation Manual Download Page 22


Seite 22 von 72 

A va i l a b l e   C h u n   t yp e s


C o n s t a n t  

  V a l u e

D e s c r i p t i o n  



u n d e f i n e d   us e r d a t a  wit h   a r b r it r ar y  c o n t e n t  



E a c h   p i x e l   of  t h e   d is t a nc e   m at r i x   d en o t e s  t h e 
T oF distance measured b y the corresponding 
pixel or group of pixels of the im ager. T he dis-
t a n c e  v a l u e  i s   c or r e c t e d  b y  t h e   c a m e r a ' s  c a l i-
bration, excluding effect s caused by mu lt i pa th 
and multiple objects cont ributions (e.g. "f lying 
pixels"). Reference point  is  the optical cent er 
o f  t h e  c a m er a   i n s i d e  t he   c a m er a   h ou s i n g .   

I n v a l i d  P M D  p i x e l s   ( e. g .   d u e  t o  s a t ur a t i o n )  
have a value of zero. 

D a t a  t yp e :   1 6   b i t   u n s i g ne d   i n t e g e r   ( li t t l e  e n -

Unit: millimetres 



Each pixel of  the am plitude matrix denotes the 
am ou nt  of m odul a te d l i ght  ( i e   t h e   l i gh t   f r om   t h e  
c a m e r a' s   a c t i v e  i l l u m i n at ion )  whi ch i s r efl ect ed 
b y the appropriate objec t. Higher values indi-
ca te  h i g her P MD  s ig nal  str engt hs an d t hus a 
l o wer  am o un t  of   no ise  on t he  corr es pon di ng 
distance measurements. T he amplitude value 
i s   d i r ec t l y  d e r i v e d  f rom the PMD phase meas-
u r e m e n t s   wi t h o u t   n o r m al i z a t i o n  t o  exp o s u r e  
t i m e.  I n  d o u b l e   e x p o s u r e   m o d e ,  t h e  l a c k   o f  
normalization may lead (depending on the 
choosen  exposure times) to  inhomogeneous 
amplitude im age impression, if  the a certain 
pixel is taken from the short exposure time and 
some of  it s neighbors ar e not. 

I n v a l i d  P M D  p i x e l s   ( e. g .   d u e  t o  s a t ur a t i o n )  
have an amplitude value of 0. 

By the algorithm a float32 normalized Ampli-
t u d e   i m a g e  is   c r e a t e d.  I t s   v a l u e s   r a ng e   f r o m  
9 4 . 3  t o   0. 0 05 ,   g i v e n t h e   c u r r e n t   ( C 3  s a m p l e)  
minimal and maximal am plitude settings. T o 
h a v e   s o m e  r o o m   f o r   i m pr o v e m e n t   t he   s c a l i n g 
should be done as follows :  

N o r m a l i z e d   A m p l i t u d e  I m a g e   1 6   B i t :   I P U i nt 1 6 

Normalized Amplitude Image from algorithm : 
I P f l o a t 3 2 

Conversion: IPUint16 = round(65535/100 * 

Summary of Contents for O3D303

Page 1: ...Seite 1 von 72 Operations Manual 3D camera O3D303 ...

Page 2: ...1 Main Object 14 7 2 2 SessionObject 14 7 2 3 EditMode Object 14 7 2 4 DeviceConfig Object 14 7 2 5 Device NetworkConfig Object 14 7 2 6 ApplicationConfig Object editable application 14 7 2 7 App ImagerConfig Object O3D3xx 15 7 2 8 Image Settings Filter Parameter 15 8 PROCESS INTERFACE 16 8 1 Sending commands 16 8 2 Receiving images 18 8 3 Image data 20 8 4 Additional information for image data 25...

Page 3: ...9 3 1 heartbeat 37 9 3 2 cancelSession 37 9 3 3 exportConfig 37 9 3 4 importConfig 38 9 3 5 exportApplication 38 9 3 6 importApplication 38 9 3 7 setOperatingMode 39 9 4 EditMode Object 40 9 4 1 factoryReset 40 9 4 2 editApplication 40 9 4 3 stopEditingApplication 40 9 4 4 createApplication 41 9 4 5 copyApplication 41 9 4 6 deleteApplication 41 9 4 7 moveApplications 42 9 5 DeviceConfig Object 43 ...

Page 4: ...3 9 8 2 availableTypes 53 9 8 3 Parameters 54 9 9 Image Settings Filter Parameter 61 9 9 1 Parameters 61 10 PROCESS INTERFACE COMMAND REFERENCE 63 10 1 t command 63 10 2 T command 63 10 3 I command 64 10 4 p command 65 10 5 a command 65 10 6 A command 66 10 7 v command 67 10 8 V command 67 10 9 c command 68 10 10 C command 68 10 11 S command 69 10 12 L command 70 10 13 G command 71 10 14 H command...

Page 5: ...nated use The installation and connection must comply with the applicable national and international standards Responsibility lies with the person installing the device Only the signals indicated in the technical data or on the device label may be supplied to the connections or wires The unit may only be opened by the manufacturer or by a person authorised by the manu facturer 3 FUNCTIONS AND FEAT...

Page 6: ... with increasing distance The distance between camera and object must not exceed the maximum measuring range and should be within the operating distance stated in the product data sheet The distance between the camera and the object of interest should be chosen as small as possible in order to measure the object with maximum resolution 4 2 Camera surroundings For best measurement accuracy the obje...

Page 7: ...ode the unit may heat up The difference between the unit s surface temperature and the ambient temperature may not exceed 25 degrees Take one or several of the following measures Preferably mount camera to large metal parts which are good heat conductors such as e g aluminium A good thermal contact between camera and camera mounting increases the dissipation of excess heat A heat conducting plate ...

Page 8: ...output 1 LED 3 Out2 yellow ON switching output 1 is on flashing 8Hz short circuit switching output 2 LED 4 Ethernet green OFF no ethernet connection ON ethernet connection flashing ethernet communication Other status displayed by LEDs LED 2 and 3 both yellow flash simultaneously 8 Hz internal error LED 2 and 3 flash simultaneously 2 Hz repairable error please note ethernet error message Sequence f...

Page 9: ...ualified electrician Device of protection class III PC III Electric supply via PELV circuits only Electric supply must comply with UL61010 1 chap 9 4 Limited Energy The separation of external circuits must comply with UL61010 2 201 fig 102 Disconnect power before connecting the unit ...

Page 10: ...Seite 10 von 72 6 1 Wiring ...

Page 11: ...he command has to be on a special lay out In this command linefeeds and carriage returns are essential Several commands will use different URL in the XML RPC header 7 1 Sample XML RPC command All following XML RPC commands will have this type of layout POST RPC3 HTTP 1 0User Agent Frontier 5 1 2 WinNT Host betty userland com Content Type text xml Content length 181 xml version 1 0 methodCall metho...

Page 12: ... commands need different XML RPC Objects see XML RPC command references The Interface of O3D3xx is structured in an object oriented way Some of the objects are available all the time others are only available after bringing the device into a special mode by calling a method on an already available object This mechanism is used to model system requirements e g password protection Note It could be n...

Page 13: ...Seite 13 von 72 ...

Page 14: ...ssible to define a Session Object by own when it is used as the parameter of requestSession 7 2 3 EditMode Object Object URI e g api rpc v1 com ifm efector session_d21c80db5bc1069932fbb9a3bd841d0b edit This object is only available if the device is in edit OperatingMode Index of Applications must be between 1 and 32 The device must only support 32 applications and the indexes must start at 1 7 2 4...

Page 15: ...raft under 5 meter single Frequency upto30 meter double Freq more than 30 Meter 3Freq under5m_low under5m_moderate under5m_high upto30m_low upto30m_moderate upto30m_high morethan30m_low morethan30m_moderate morethan30m_highunder5m_high 7 2 8 Image Settings Filter Parameter There must be a RPC object for spatial filter parameters in each imager configuration Object URI e g api rpc v1 com ifm efecto...

Page 16: ...ntents CR LF Abbreviation Description ASCII code dec CR Carriage Return 13 LF Linefeed 10 Marking of a placeholder e g code is a placeholder for code Optional argument possible but not required contents is the command to the device e g trigger the unit ticket is a character string of 4 digits 0 9 to be interpreted as decimal number If a message with a specific ticket is sent to the device its repl...

Page 17: ...sion input format output format V1 Content CR LF as input V2 Ticket Content CR LF as input V3 Ticket Length CR LF Ticket Content CR LF as input V4 Content CR LF length CR LF Content CR LF The default protocolversion is V3 ...

Page 18: ...n this sequence Component Content Ticket and length information Please see chapter 8 2 Ticket 0000 Start sequence String star 4 bytes normalized amplitude image output format 16 Bit Unsigned Integer 1 image distance image output format 16 Bit Unsigned Integer Unit is mm 1 image x image output format 16 Bit Signed Integer Unit ist mm 1 image y image output format 16 Bit Signed Integer Unit ist mm 1...

Page 19: ...end Tempera ture 2 32 bit signed int 4 bytes i mx6 Temperature 32 bit signed int 4 bytes Frametime planned 32 bit unsigned integer 4 bytes Framerate 32 bit unsigned integer 4 bytes All temperature values have the unit 0 1 C invalid temperatures have the value 0x7FFF 32767 i mx6 temperature is not measured in C3 sample Therefor these temperatures have the value 0x7FFF 32767 ...

Page 20: ...ontains e g the kind of image which will be in the PIX EL_DATA and the size of the chunk Chunk type Offset Name Description Size Byte 0x0000 CHUNK_TYPE Defines the type of the chunk For each distinct chunk type a own type has to be defined 4 0x0004 CHUNK_SIZE Size of the whole image chunck in bytes After this count of bytes the next chunk starts 4 0x0008 HEADER_SIZE Number of bytes starting from 0...

Page 21: ... in pixel 4 0x0018 PIXEL_FORMAT Pixel Format 4 0x001C TIME_STAMP Timestamp in uS 4 0x0020 FRAME_COUNT Frame count according to algorithm output 4 0x0024 PIXEL_DATA The pixel data in the given type and dimension of the image Padded to 4 Byte boundary ...

Page 22: ...mination which is reflected by the appropriate object Higher values indi cate higher PMD signal strengths and thus a lower amount of noise on the corresponding distance measurements The amplitude value is directly derived from the PMD phase meas urements without normalization to exposure time In double exposure mode the lack of normalization may lead depending on the choosen exposure times to inho...

Page 23: ...of its neighbors are not Invalid PMD pixels e g due to saturation have an amplitude value of 0 CARTESIAN_X_COMPONENT 200 The X matrix denotes the X component of the cartesian coordinate of a PMD 3D measure ment The origin of the camera s coordinate system is in the middle of the lens front glass if the extrinsic parameters are all set to 0 Da ta type 16 bit signed integer Unit millimetres CARTESIA...

Page 24: ...respond ing cartesian coordinate X_i Y_i Z_i D_i ex_i ey_i ez_i Data type 16 bit signed integer CONFIDENCE_IMAGE 300 See 8 4 Additional information for image data DIAGNOSTIC 302 See 8 2 Receiving images Pixel format Constant Value Description FORMAT_8U 0 8bit unsigned integer FORMAT_8S 1 8bit signed integer FORMAT_16U 2 16bit unsigned integer FORMAT_16S 3 16bit signed integer FORMAT_32U 4 32bit un...

Page 25: ...oise e g due to strong ambient light or very short integration times or PMD interference may also contribute Contributes to pixel validity yes 3 1 amplitude below minimum amplitude threshold Amplitude limits AM The amplitude value is below mini mum amplitude threshold Contributes to pixel validity yes 4 5 Bit 5 Bit 4 0 0 unused 0 1 shortest exposure time only used in 3 exposure mode 1 0 middle exp...

Page 26: ...Seite 26 von 72 pect or defect and values have been replaced by interpolated values from the surrounding Contributes to pixel validity no ...

Page 27: ..._image type blob id x_image type blob id y_image type blob id z_image type blob id confidence_image type blob id diagnostic_data type string value stop id end_string This string can be retrieved by the C command altered and sent back using the c com mand The layouter has the following main object properties Name Description Details layouter Defines the basic data output format So far only flexible...

Page 28: ... Defines that this element represents a list of records If type is set to records there must be a elements property The elements property defines which data should be written per record string Data is written as string Most of the time this will be used with value property to write fixed start end or delimiter text Text Encoding should be UTF8 if there is nothing else specified by format propertie...

Page 29: ...s like int32 blob Data is written as a blob byte by byte like it came from data provider Binary Large Object Depending on the desired data format the user may tune his output data with further for mat properties Common format properties Format Properties Allowed values Default dataencoding ascii or binary can be defined in top level object and overwritten on element objects ascii scale float value...

Page 30: ... 16 10 Example of a format configuration of the temperature id temp_illu element 1 Illu Temperature like this 33 5___ c000000226 layouter flexible format dataencoding ascii elements type float32 id temp_illu format width 7 precision 1 fill _ alignment left decimalseparator 2 Illu Temperature as binary 16bit integer 1 10 C c000000194 layouter flexible format dataencoding ascii elements type int16 i...

Page 31: ... while cap turing this result Measured inside the main CPU float32 C temp_illu Temperature measured in the device while cap turing this result Measured on the illumination board float32 C extrinsic_calibration Extrinsic Calibration Values amplitude_image normalized_amplitude_image Amplitude Intensity image there are multiple variants of them distance_image Radial distance image x_image y_image z_i...

Page 32: ...OCK_STREAM 0 SOCKADDR_IN target Inside target will the socket address information be saved target sin_family AF_INET address family is Internet over which we will communicate target sin_port htons 50010 IT is the Portnumber from the C3 Sample for the PCIC target sin_addr s_addr inet_addr 192 168 0 69 Ip address of the C3 Sample Definde the socket and connect it to the C3Sample s socket AF_INET SOC...

Page 33: ...ject 9 2 1 getParameter Method Name getParameter Description Getter for the device global parameters Input Parame ters Name of a device parameter string Output Para meters Value of the requested parameter string 9 2 2 getAllParameters Method Name getAllParameters Description Getter for the parameters described here This is an additional getter outside of Edit Sessions so it is possible to read dev...

Page 34: ...ersion information of all software componenents Input Parame ters none Output Para meters 1 Struct of strings e g IFM_Software 0 01 07 Frontend 01 05 02 mandatory keys IFM_Software Linux Main_Application Diagnostic_Controller Algorithm_Version Calibration_Version Calibration_Device ...

Page 35: ..._ mandatory keys MACAddress Connector Diagnose Frontend Illumination Mainboard 9 2 5 getApplicationList Method Name getApplicationList Description Delivers basic information of all Application stored on the device This should be available before password session so the CombiGUI could display Sensor screen before login Input Parameters none Output Parame ters 1 Array of structs Index int Id int Nam...

Page 36: ... extended by calling heartbeat The device will stay in RUN mode If password is disabled on the device the value given as password parameter is ignored Input Parameters 1 Password string 2 SessionID string optional Output Parameters 1 SessionID string 9 2 7 reboot Method Name reboot Description Reboot system parameter defines which mode system will be booted Input Parame ters 1 type of system that ...

Page 37: ...1 the used timeout interval in seconds int 9 3 2 cancelSession Method Name cancelSession Description Explicit stopping this session If an application is still in edit mode it will implicit do the same as stopEdit ingApplication Input Parame ters none Output Para meters 1 empty string compatibility for classic XmlRPC Client 9 3 3 exportConfig Method Name exportConfig Description exports the whole c...

Page 38: ...iption exports one application config Input Parame ters 1 Application Index Output Para meters 1 application config as one data blob binary base64 9 3 6 importApplication Method Name importApplication Description imports an application config and creates a new application with it The name of the application should be based on the one stored in the ex ported config If the name should be unique the ...

Page 39: ...etOperatingMode Description Changes the operation mode of the device Setting this to edit will enable the EditMode object on RPC Input Parame ters 1 mode int 0 run mode 1 edit mode Output Para meters 1 empty string compatibility for classic XmlRPC Client ...

Page 40: ...ach an application object to the RPC interface The name of the object will be application independent This does not change the ActiveApplication parameter Input Parame ters 1 Application index int Output Para meters 1 empty string compatibility for classic XmlRPC Client 9 4 3 stopEditingApplication Method Name stopEditingApplication Description Tells the device that editing this application was fi...

Page 41: ...plication by copying the configuration of another applica tion The device will generate an ID for the new application and put it on a free Index Input Parame ters 1 Index of the application which should be copied int Output Para meters 1 Index of new application int 9 4 6 deleteApplication Method Name deleteApplication Description Deletes the application form sensor If the deleted application was ...

Page 42: ...lications Method Name moveApplications Description Moves applications to other Index There must be all applications in the new list none of them duplicated and no Index used twice The ID is a fixed value that stays the same as long as the application stays on the sensor The Index could be changed and is used to address the application via PCIC XML RPC and Digital IO Input Parame ters 1 Array of st...

Page 43: ...2 disablePassword Method Name disablePassword Description Disables the password protection Making this change presistant requires to call save on the DeviceConfig Input Parame ters none Output Para meters 1 empty string compatibility for classic XmlRPC Client 9 5 3 save Method Name save Description Store current configuration in persistent memory If this is not called after changing device paramet...

Page 44: ... PCIC command 0 means there is no application active see SYRS 660606 3530 PcicTcpPort int TCP IP Port for PCIC connections PcicProtocolVersion int has limits Sub Protocol of PCIC see specification of PCIC IOLogicType int has limits Defines logic type of all digital pins Allowed values 0 NPN 1 PNP IODebouncing bool Applies to all inputs IOExternApplicationSwitch int has limits Allowed values 0 off ...

Page 45: ...tection is enabled OperatingMode int readonly mode of device RUN EDIT see setOperatingMode the setter is outside of edit mode but inside of session DeviceType string readonly Delivers a type description unique by imager eval uation logic and device interface Format could be like this VendorID TypeID e g 1 42 ArticleNumber string readonly Official catalog number ArticleStatus string readonly Offici...

Page 46: ...f DeviceConfig parameters The default values of the device configuration parameters are Parameter Name Data Type Default Value Name string utf8 New sensor Description string utf8 ActiveApplication int 0 PcicTcpPort int 50010 PcicProtocolVersion int 3 IOLogicType int 1 IODebouncing bool true IOExternApplicationSwitch int 0 SessionTimeout int 30 ExtrinsicCalibTransX double 0 0 ExtrinsicCalibTransY d...

Page 47: ...onfig int 0 PasswordActivated bool false OperatingMode int 0 For all other DeviceConfig parameters there are no defined default values because they are either device dependent DeviceType ArticleNumber ArticleStatus or volatile UpTime ImageTimestampReference ...

Page 48: ...Config parameters The minimum and maximum values of the device configuration parameters are Parameter Name Minimum Va lue Maximum Value ActiveApplication 0 32 PcicProtocolVersion 1 4 IOLogicType 0 1 IOExternApplicationSwitch 0 3 C3 0 SessionTimeout 5 300 ...

Page 49: ...ame ters none Output Para meters 1 empty string compatibility for classic XmlRPC Client 9 7 ApplicationConfig Object 9 7 1 save Method Name save Description stores current configuration in persistent memory This should also be possible if the application is not yet in an activatable status Input Parame ters none Output Para meters 1 empty string compatibility for classic XmlRPC Client 9 7 2 forceT...

Page 50: ...n Validates the application this means it checks if the application can be activated HINT the device should do the same check while activating an ap plication Input Parame ters none Output Para meters Array of fault structs Id int Text string Fault Scena rios none ...

Page 51: ... negative edge 5 positive and negative edge PcicTcpResultOutputEnabled bool Allows to disable the automatic output of results via PCIC If it is false PCIC commands could be used to access the data again PcicTcpResultSchema string The Schema defines which images and result data will be send It will also define the order of data elements and additional separators Contains single enabling disabling o...

Page 52: ...Default Value Name string utf8 New application Description string utf8 TriggerMode int 1 PcicTcpResultOutputEnabled bool true PcicTcpResultSchema string Minimum and maximum values of application parameters The minimum and maximum values of application parameters are Parameter Name Minimum Va lue Maximum Va lue TriggerMode 1 5 C3 2 ...

Page 53: ...s the set of available parameters and might also change available RPC methods Input Parame ters 1 type string Output Para meters 1 empty string compatibility for classic XmlRPC Client 9 8 2 availableTypes Method Name availableTypes Description Lists all available imager configuration types Input Parame ters none Output Para meters 1 Array of strings ...

Page 54: ...llowed values 0 off 1 median filter 2 mean filter 3 bilateral filter TemporalFilterType int has limits Allowed values 0 off 1 temporal mean filter 2 adaptive exponential filter has limits parameters with this marker are listed in the reply of getAllParameterLimits method Default values of common ImagerConfig parameters The default values of the common im ager configuration parameters are Parameter...

Page 55: ...e of Application ImagerConfig Parameter Name Data Ty pe Description ExposureTime int has li mits Time for the Exposure The 2nd ExposureTime will be calculated based on the first one ExposureTimeRatio int has li mits Ratio of long exposure time to short exposure time Channel int has li mits Allowed values 0 non group use like channel1 but additional GUI option 1 channel1 2 channel2 3 channel3 Defau...

Page 56: Name Data Ty pe Description ExposureTime int has li mits Time for the long Exposure The 2nd ExposureTime will be calculated based on the first one Channel int has lim its Allowed values 0 non group use like channel1 but additional GUI option 1 channel1 2 channel2 3 channel3 Default values of the under5m_moderate mode parameters Parameter Name Data Ty pe Default Value ExposureTime int 1000 Expos...

Page 57: ...ype of Application ImagerConfig Parameter Name Data Type Description Channel int has limits Allowed values 0 non group use like channel1 but additional GUI option 1 channel1 2 channel2 3 channel3 Default values of the under5m_high mode parameters Parameter Name Data Type Default Value Channel int 0 Minimum and maximum values of the under5m_high mode parameters Parameter Name Minimum Value Maximum ...

Page 58: has limits Allowed values 0 non group use like channel1 but additional GUI option 1 channel1 2 channel2 3 channel3 Default values of the upto30m_low mode parameters Parameter Name Data Type Default Value ExposureTime int 1000 Channel int 0 Minimum and maximum values of the upto30m_low mode parameters Parameter Name Minimum Value Maximum Va lue ExposureTime 0 10000 Channel 0 3 ...

Page 59: ... time Channel int has limits Allowed values 0 non group use like channel1 but additional GUI option 1 channel1 2 channel2 3 channel3 Default values of the upto30m_moderate mode parameters Parameter Name Data Type Default Value ExposureTime int 1000 ExposureTimeRatio int 40 Channel int 0 Minimum and maximum values of the upto30m_moderate mode parameters Parameter Name Minimum Value Maximum Va lue E...

Page 60: ...up use like channel1 but additional GUI option 1 channel1 2 channel2 3 channel3 Default values of the upto30m_high mode parameters Parameter Name Data Type Default Value Channel int 0 Minimum and maximum values of the upto30m_high mode parameters Parameter Name Minimum Value Maximum Va lue Channel 0 3 ...

Page 61: ...d 9 9 1 Parameters Parameters of Spatial Median or Spatial Mean Filter Parameter Na me Data Type Description MaskSize int Allowed values 0 3x3 1 5x5 Parameters of Spatial Bilateral Filter Parameter Na me Data Type Description MaskSize int Allowed values 0 3x3 1 5x5 SigmaPixel double Limit 0 SigmaDistance double Limit 0 ...

Page 62: ... Filter Parameter Name Data Type Description MinSmoothDiff double Limit 0 MinSDAlpha double Limit 0 1 MaxSmoothDiff double Limit 0 MaxSDAlpha double Limit 0 1 Parameters of Temporal Mean Filter Parameter Na me Data Type Description NumberOfImages int Limit 2 25 ...

Page 63: ...device is busy with an evaluation device is in an invalid state for this command e g configuration mode device is set to a different trigger source no active application 10 2 T command command T description execute trigger and send process data synchronously type request reply process data with in the config ured layout trigger was executed the device captures an image evaluates the result and sen...

Page 64: ...9 digits as decimal number for the image data size in bytes image data image data Valid image ID ID 01 amplitude image 02 normalized amplitude image 03 distance image 04 x image Distance infor mation 05 y image Distance infor mation 06 z image Distance infor mation 07 confidence image status information 08 extrinsic calibration 09 unit_vector_matrix_ex ey ez 10 last result output as format ted for...

Page 65: ...3 activate asynchronous error and data output at device restart the value config ured within the application is es sential for the output of data This command can be executed in any device state 10 5 a command command a application number description activate the application and save the setting type action reply application not available application number con tains wrong value external applicati...

Page 66: ...reply amount t number active ap plication t number t number invalid command length invalid state e g no ap plication active note amount char string with 3 digits for the amount of application saved on the device as decimal number t Tabulator 0x09 number active application 2 digits for the active application number 2 digits for the application number the active application is repeated within the ap...

Page 67: ...d length note version 2 digits for the protocol version Note The default protocolversion is V3 10 8 V command command V description request current protocol version type request reply current version emtpy min version emtpy max version note current version 2 digits for the current set version empty space sign 0x20 min max version 2 digits for the min and max available version to set ...

Page 68: ...tion wrong data length invalid command length note length 9 digits as decimal value for the data length configuration configuration data 10 10 C command command C description retrieve the current PCIC con figuration type request reply length configuraton invalid command length note length 9 digits as decimal value for the data length configuration configuration data ...

Page 69: ...codings no application active note t Tabulator 0x09 number of results images taken since application start 10 digits dec imal value with leading 0s number of positive decodings number of decodings leading to a positive re sult 10 digits decimal value with leading 0s umber of false decodings number of decodings leading to a negative re sult 10 digits decimal value with leading 0s ...

Page 70: ...Seite 70 von 72 10 12 L command command L description returns the current session id type request reply ID note ID 3 digits with leading 0s ...

Page 71: ...bulator 0x09 article number e g O3D300 name UTF8 Unicocde string location UTF8 Unicocde string description UTF8 Unicocde string ip IP Adresse des Geräts als ASCII Zeichenkette i g 192 168 0 96 port number Port Number of the XML RPC subnet mask subnet mask of the device as ASCII i g 192 168 0 96 gateway Gateway of the device as ASCII i g 192 168 0 96 MAC MAC of the device as ASCII i g AA AA AA AA A...

Page 72: id get IO state I image id get last image of defined type A get application list p state activate deactivate data output a application number set active application V get current protocol version v version set protocol version c length of configuration file configuration file configure process date formatting C show current configuration G show device information S show statistics L retrieves t...
