8.6.7 Automatic measurement of start position [AUTO START POS]
General PCs output video signals meeting the VESA standard, but some PCs output cut-off (a few dots from
the VESA standard) signals. In such a case, if the video is output using the video format table in the MSD, the
left edge may not be displayed or black line
may be output. If you set this menu “ON”, the MSD monitors
continuously the upper left of the signals input from (IN6 to IN9) and it automatically matches the upper left of
the input video and
the upper left of the screen (Settings of “
8.6.2 Horizontal start position
” are set automatically).
Not measuring all inputs from the input automatically: ALL OFF
Not measuring the current input signals automatically: OFF
Measuring the current input signals automatically: ON [Default]
Note 1:
For motion images, some content may not be displayed on the full screen, and the display position may be
moved every time the setting of the automatic measurement is applied. In such a case, set this menu to “OFF”.
As “OFF” and “ON” are saved for each input resolution, it can be set according to the input video. If you do not
want to perform this function
for all resolution, select “ALL OFF”.
Note 2:
Only the
start position is set by automatic measurement of this menu. If “
8.6.3 Horizontal display period
“ do not match, the
lower right may be cut off or blackout may b
e output. In this case, adjust the whole screen by following “
Analog input automatic measurement
”. As the set value must not exceed “
8.6.2 Horizontal start position
”, some input videos are displayed with blackout at the left or top side.
Note 3:
Automatic setting of start position is enabled only if the brightness is over 25% or more and video is displayed
on the almost full screen. At least, the position is not set automatically if the video is extremely dark or
displayed on the center in a small size.
Note 4:
Even if you set this m
enu to “ON”, the manual setting will be applied and the automatic measurement is not
executed if you set any of the following menus:
8.6.1 The total number of horizontal dots
8.6.3 Horizontal display period
”, the manual setting is applied, and tracing is not
set automatically when the automatic measurement is executed.
When you execute “
8.6.6 Analog input automatic measurement
”, settings of this menu will be valid again.
For each input port/input signal