Understanding your results
In addition to determining results, the SediVue Dx* convolutional neural network verifies image and result quality with each run. If
the image quality cannot be verified or if confirmatory methods should be considered, a message will appear at the bottom of your
results indicating possible next steps.
Samples containing large quantities of overlapping cells, crystals, or debris may require manual review of the images to determine results
or a dilution to spread the sediment apart so the convolutional neural network can detect and classify the formed elements.
Preanalysis dilutions
There are times during the physical evaluation of the
of urine samples when it’s obvious that samples will be
crowded with cells, bacteria, debris, or crystals (e.g., gross hematuria). This evaluation will aid in determining if a dilution should be
considered preanalysis.
Does the
of the sample
suggest evidence of hematuria?
Dark red
Does the
of the
sample suggest high
amount of cells, bacteria,
crystals, or debris?
Consider a 1:5 dilution with 0.9% normal saline, remix the diluted sample, and rerun.
Postanalysis dilutions
When a
sample is run on the SediVue Dx analyzer, a message will appear, the semiquantitative results are not reported,
and you will be prompted to review the images and consider a dilution. If the images do not provide clinical insight, diluting the urine
sample will help to spread the elements apart for more accurate analysis. The dilution ratio will vary depending on the severity of the
crowding in the sample.
If the images are crowded and:
• Provide clinical insight, no dilution is needed—just add comments to the patient record.
• There is a moderate amount of cells or crystalline material, perform a 1:5 dilution with 0.9% normal saline and rerun.
• There are marked amounts of cells or crystalline material, perform a 1:10 dilution with 0.9% normal saline and rerun.
Out of focus
When the
Review images to confirm results
message appears, the convolutional neural network cannot verify the quality of focus
in the images. This may occur when the sample does not have enough sediment to confirm the quality of focus or if the images
are out of focus. If this message appears in several consecutive samples with sediment present, the optical window may require
Bacteria (
suspect presence
When the
Confirm with one of the following: image review, air-dried, stained cytological preparation (“dry prep”), or urine culture
message appears, bacteria may be present in the sample. The images should be reviewed to determine if there is sufficient
evidence of bacteriuria by identifying uniformly sized structures or if the small structures are in the form of chains or doublets. If
bacteria cannot be visually confirmed in the images, prepare and review either an air-dried, stained cytological slide and/or a urine
culture due to likelihood of bacteria being found in the sample.
Bacteria possible
Bacteria possible
Bacteria obvious
Bacteria (
When the
Consider urine culture and sensitivity
message appears, bacteria is present in the sample. When this occurs, consider a
culture to confirm the bacteria are viable and to provide additional evidence of bacteriuria.
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*SediVue Dx, SediVue, and IDEXX VetLab are trademarks or registered trademarks of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.