iO1000 modems that we are supplying to you for
incorporation into the final product are components
that when connected to the power supply can receive
and transmit radio signals. In the United States, the
Federal Communications Commission requires that
many radio transmitting devices must obtain approval
before being offered on the market, unless the device
is exempt
While the iO1000 modem has been designed to meet
applicable FCC requirements, provided in the code of
Federal Regulation 47CER part II subpart J and
47CER part S, the Final Product’s compliance with
the FCC’s requirements, including RF energy expo-
sure requirements, must reflect product usage, posi-
tioning of the iO1000 within the product, the type of
antenna used, the,location of the antenna, and other
factors that may vary with the design and nature of the
Final Product. Therefore, compliance with such FCC
requirements can only be determined by an assess-
ment of the Final Product.
It is important that any manufacturer to whom the
iO1000 modem is resold for use in the Final Product
also recognize that he/she will have the responsibility
for taking all necessary steps to ensure that the Final
Product meets any applicable FCC requirements and
for obtaining any necessary approval from the FCC
for sale and operation of the Final Product. To the
extent that this may require development of user
information or guidance to be provided to each pur-
chaser of the Final Product, this will also be the
responsibility of the manufacturer.