iDECT SOLO system
Remote operation
1. Using a tone-dialling phone, dial your home number.
2. While your outgoing message is playing, press # key immediately.
3. Key in your Remote Access Code. (Default value is 0000.)
For details on how to set a new code, see
on page
43 of the
User Guide
Note: The < # > can be entered at any time after the OGM starts playing,
and the Remote Access Code should follow without any delay. If the
Remote Access Code is entered incorrectly twice consecutively, the call
will end automatically.
4. Refer to the key operations on the reverse side of this card.
Note: If your answering machine is off, but with Remote Access activated
Activate/Deactivate Remote Access
and Master PIN changed from its default, the phone will answer after 14
rings, and you can then enter the Remote Access Code to access the Remote
Access feature.